Effective client communication is fundamental for successful event project management

Building strong relationships, managing expectations, encouraging collaboration, mitigating risks and prioritising client satisfaction are key to event project success.

At Responsible Events, we work hand in hand with clients by providing a structured approach for the delivery of the event project:

1. Project kickoff meeting with the team, get their commitment to start the project and understand their purpose, goals and objectives in order to define the project’s scope, cost and resources.

2. Project planning: define all the work to be done and create the project roadmap: create a project timeline and a budget, plan a team and schedule the resources and materials needed to deliver the project, set quality targets and measures, develop a mitigation plan for how to avoid/overcome risks, create a communication plan and find 3rd party suppliers required and agree on terms.

3. Project plan execution: briefings, meetings and reviews and keep the project on track

4. Project monitoring and controlling: capturing the data and comparing overall project progress, milestones and tasks completion, budget spend and time allocated in the original plan. This will help to establish whether or not we’re hitting the objectives for timeline, cost, quality and key performance indicators (KPIs). This phase is vital to ensure that the project is delivered on time and within budget constraints.

5. Project closure: hold a post-project review meeting to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the project and team, what didn’t go so well and how to improve in the future.